Special Issues

Journal Special Issues

In synergy with the conference, several journals have special issues on specific conference themes. Check the links to various special issue sites here:

  1. Maritime Policy and Management
  2. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
  3. Maritime Economics & Logistics
  4. Maritime Transport Research Journal
  5. Sustainability
  6. Transport Policy

 Explanatory notes for addressing your interest in Special Issues

  • Full paper submissions to IAME will be reviewed before final acceptance. This results in additional comments and suggestions for the authors aimed at helping them further improve their work.
  • IAME will have no published proceedings. There will be a non-public digital archive to share accepted papers, extended abstracts with the conference participants. 
  • IAME will not claim copyrights on these documents, which means authors are free to publish their papers elsewhere.
  • Upon submission, an author can indicate interest for participating in a special issue.
  • This interest will be forwarded to the relevant guest editor of the special issue.
  • Besides, also contributions with good reviews and/or that seem.in particular suitable for a specific special issue will be proposed to the guest editors for consideration.
  • Guest editors will after the conference be in the lead for inviting authors in case the guest editor would like to consider (a possibly adapted/extended version of) their contribution for an SI.
  • Author can then make the final decision on whether or not to accept this invitation. This may also depend on author considerations related to desire for publishing open access, IEEE, APC fee or not, etc.
  • In case of acceptance, the contribution will go into the review process of the specific journal. The reviews provided by IAME before acceptance to the conference are in this case considered helping the authors to get to high quality manuscripts that are well-positioned for the subsequent journal review process.
  • Expected timelines per special issue can be found on the IAME website under information about the Special Issues.
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